Dockerfile 撰寫

Dockerfile 撰寫的各指令意思

-3 min read


  • FROM: base image, alpine 輕量 linux OS。
  • ENV: 環境變數
  • ARG: 接受創建 image 指定參數,如:docker build --build-arg whoami=Rock070 -t rock/007 .
  • WORKDIR: 指令了此行之後的 Docker 命令的工作路徑
  • RUN: 在 base images 中可以執行的指令,創建 image 時執行。
  • COPY: 複製 Linux 虛擬環境中的檔案至 docker 容器中。語法:COPY [電腦路徑] [容器路徑(WORKDIR)]
  • CMD: shell script,在容器啟動時執行。語法:CMD: ["可執行文件", "參數一", "參數二"]
  • ENTRYPOINT: 進入點,ENTRYPOINT 跟 CMD 很像,一樣是啟動 container 的時候會用到


FROM alpine:latestENV myworkspace /var/www/localhost/htdocs/ENV greet "hello I'm ${whoami}, have a nice day!"ARG whoami='Sam'WORKDIR ${myworkspace}RUN apk --update add apache2RUN rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*RUN echo "<h1> hello I'm ${whoami}, have a nice day! 1</h1>" >> index.htmlRUN echo "<h2> hello I'm ${whoami}, have a nice day! 2</h2>" >> index.htmlRUN echo "<h3> hello I'm ${whoami}, have a nice day! 3</h3>" >> index.htmlENTRYPOINT [ "httpd", "-D", "FOREGROUND" ]
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